well to be totaly fair
..although 'hard one' was mentioned, i dont think i actualy saw that dude do anything but stab them up...
and seriously, i seen worse shit from red skelleton or w/e hes called,
made a flash with 'cartoon' style graphics, and in which theres this
boy that rapes his (what looks like 3yrs old) sister, then his dad comes
in and rapes her too, but all i saw was ppl saying how good, and funny it was, and how people shouldnt take it seriously.
i found it sick, but this.... its a halloween special, i think,
its gory and somewhat graphic...
seriously this isnt the darkest thing ive seen by miles.
the graphics were good, so quit bitching, the music...well
there isnt one, its just a dark humm, which adds to the atmouspheric
the voiceacting was shoddy,but that helped it seem more dark.
ok, 4/5 ^^